about us

Our company Automotive Manufacturers Pvt Ltd (AMPL) was incorporated in 1948. It is one of the most respected dealerships in the country known for its fair business practices. We are authorized dealers of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd since 1986. We are here to make your long cherished dream of owning a car a reality. We leave no stone unturned to make sure that the experience of buying or servicing a car is world-class. Our passionate and trained workforce supported by state of the art technology and facilities is committed to make you feel comfortable at all times. Our customer service personnel ensure that all your queries are appropriately answered and our technical staff is qualified and up to date with the latest automobile technology advancements. With our strong presence in the state of Maharashtra with multiple Maruti dealerships in 9 districts, we are future-ready to create new benchmarks in customer delight. Our efforts have been recognized by our loyal customers who have always encouraged us by referring their family members and friends to our showroom. We have ample space in our dealership to accommodate customers and their families when they arrive to finish formalities for purchasing a new vehicle or when they are waiting to service their vehicle. Our dealerships is a one stop shop for all the servicing needs of your vehicle. We have best in class infrastructure, tools and accessories to spruce up your favourite automobile. At Automotive Manufacturers Pvt Ltd it is our constant endeavor to set new standards. Our mission is led by our passion to live and be the change. It has always been our philosophy to create customers for life, satisfy and motivate employees and have healthy relationships with all partners. We have always believed to have a customer centric approach and we conduct business with the highest level of ethics.
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